Welcome to Weobley & Staunton Joint Benefice

incorporating the Churches and Parishes of Weobley, Staunton On Wye, Norton Canon, Monnington, Sarnesfield, Byford and Letton in Herefordshire

Inclusive Church

As a Benefice, we believe in Inclusive Church – church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, ethnicity, race, marital status or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which chooses to interpret scripture inclusively; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

Auction of Promises

On 3rd May nearly 60 people attended our first benefice-wide fund raising event. We enjoyed delicious canapes thanks to Pru Lloyd and her team, live piano music and a very entertaining auction conducted by Ronnie Wilkie.

All 50 of our donated lots were auctioned off and we are very thankful to all of our donors for their generosity, and also to our many bidders.

The event raised over £4000 for benefice funds.


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Saturday 18th May

10.00am First Horses

1.30pm Last Horses

10 or 3 mile loops through stunning Wye Valley orchards and countryside.


Adults £20.00 Under 16 £15.00

For more details contact Clare on 07989 743277

Dairy House Farm, Monnington-on-Wye, HR4 7NG

what3words; skins.action.different

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Broxwood Open Gardens

Weoble Church will be serving Tea & Cakes between


Sunday 19th May 2024

This raised much needed funds for Weobley Church

Broxwood Court HR6 9JJ

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Tuesday 11th June

10.30am - 12.00pm

*Tea *Coffee *Cakes *Biscuits & Friendly Chat

Weobley Parish Church

2nd Tuesday of every month

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Sunday 16th June

From 2.00pm

*Tea *Games *Stalls *Music *Animals *Classic Vehicles and all the fun at the fair

In and around Weobley Parish Church 

A Year of Faith

Hereford Diocese has branded 2024 the ‘Year of Faith’. The apostle Paul says that ‘faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen’ (Hebrews 11:1).  Bishop Richard says: "Jesus shows us that self-giving love is who God is, and his fingerprints are all over us. He shows us that a relationship with him provides the personal security: psychological, material and eternal to risk living differently. I hope our year of faith will increase our confidence in that reality and thus our confidence to live in the light of it" (Weekly eNews from Hereford Diocese 4.1.2024). Upon the solid rock of faith, we can build a vision for positive change. 

For Year of Faith ideas and resources please click on the button below.

Weekly Reflection

thoughts and reflections from the Rev'd Philip Harvey

In our gospel text for Pentecost Sunday (John 15) Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit as a replacement for his own presence among his disciples. John uses the Greek noun Paraclete, which links to a verb meaning “I call alongside.” The Paraclete is the Spirit of Truth who accompanies us as helper, counsellor, advocate, and guide.

Jesus also describes the Paraclete as the Spirit of truth who will expose sin, righteousness, and judgment, leading Jesus’ followers into all truth. The focus here is not doctrinal. Rather Jesus sends the Spirit of truth to help his followers live in the Way of Jesus.

The truth that the Spirit of truth teaches is relational, rather than abstract propositions. The Paraclete leads Jesus’ followers in the way of all truth, as understood in the light Jesus’ character. As we consider Jesus deeds and words, we are guided to fashion our lives according to these deeds and words. The litmus test of our being guided by the Spirit is whether our actions fulfil Jesus’ command “that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:13).

Throughout history various people and factions have claimed to be guided by the Spirit of truth in their interpretation of Scripture but have then used Scripture as a weapon to persecute those who disagree with them, even advocating violence. Only those who do not know God as revealed in Jesus could conclude that killing people is offering worship to God.

By contrast, the Spirit of truth leads Jesus’ followers in the way of Jesus, whose love for the world led him to lay down his life for it. The most compelling witness that any disciple can bear is to love others as Jesus did, in deed and in truth.

Rev’d Philip



We all know the words ‘thy kingdom come’ from the Lord’s Prayer. It’s also the title of an annual call to prayer launched by the Archbishop of Canterbury 8 years ago. This call invites Christians to pray for others to come to know Jesus during the 11 days that mark the period between Ascension Day and Pentecost: a time when the disciples were waiting upon the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Since it began in May 2016,  Thy Kingdom Come has grown into a movement which unites more than a million Christians in prayer, in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, across 85 different denominations and traditions, so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ. Every person, household and church are encouraged to pray during the 11 days in their own way.

I have recently reflected, during our parish annual general meetings, that the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. The Thy Kingdom Come campaign represents a good opportunity to undertake the labour of prayer, inviting the Spirit to work in the lives of five people you know who have not responded with their ‘Yes’ to God’s call (but please note that one can pray for far more than five people!).  We will be including such prayers in our    services on Ascension Day, Sunday 12th May and on Pentecost Sunday, 19th May.

If you wish to know more about ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ or download free resources then you can access these on the website www.thykingdomcome.global/prayer-resources

Rev’d Philip